
UTX brouchure (PDF). (May 2017)

This brochure contains the essentials of UTX.

Quick Guide (PDF). (April 2013)

Two-page A4 sheets. Illustrated, essential information sheets of UTX at a glance, including common errors and an explanation of how to create glossary information. See the brochure for more details.


Anyone can create UTX glossaries and tools that use them using this specification.

Read the UTX brochure first to get the whole picture. 

SpecificationsChanges history
UTX 1.20 Specification [PDF(Ja/En)/Word(Ja/En) NEW!!]
Please send your comments and feedback.
Multilingual and bidirectional.
Simplified notations.
Increased compatibility with the ISO standard TBX with per-language term status etc.
List of changes.
UTX 1.20 Minimal Specification [PDF(Ja/En)/Word(Ja/En) NEW!!]This is a minimal specification that explains the essential information of UTX in 3 pages. (2018-3-9 updated)
UTX 1.11 Specification [Ja/En]
UTX-Simple is now simply called "UTX".
Thus, the version identification of the first line changed from UTX-S to UTX.
Clarification of some sections.
UTX 1.10 Specification [Ja/En](obsolete)Term status. (provisional, non-standard, approved, and forbidden)
Glossary administrator and contributors.
Concept ID and glossary ID.
UTX 1.00 Specification [Ja/En](obsolete)First release.

UTX Glossaries

More glossaries will be available. If you wish to include your UTX glossaries in this list, please contact us.

AAMT is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of these glossaries. See also our disclaimer.

To save the files, right-click on the links below.

Name and DomainDirection of translationAuthorLicenseGlossaries versionNumber of entriesUpdated
Japan Patent Office UTX glossary (see this page first)Japanese to EnglishJapan Patent Office and INPITSee here (in Japanese)April 2017 versionAbout 130000June 17, 2017
Sports glossary
UTX 1.11/UTX 1.20/Excel
English to Japanese (including Japanese to English )AAMTCreative Commons 4.0, Attribution (CC-BY)1.00157Mar 18, 2016
Baseball glossary
UTX 1.11/UTX 1.20/Excel
English to Japanese (including Japanese to English )AAMTCreative Commons 4.0, Attribution (CC-BY)1.00530Mar 18, 2016
Soccer glossary
UTX/UTX 1.20/Excel
English to Japanese (including Japanese to English )AAMTCreative Commons 4.0, Attribution (CC-BY)1.009883Mar 18, 2016
Computational Linguistics Term ListEnglish to JapaneseFrancis BondCreative Commons 3.0, Attribution (CC-BY) 4092 
Japanese to EnglishFrancis BondCreative Commons 3.0, Attribution (CC-BY) 4123 
Medical Glossary (Department of Medical Informatics, Kitasato University)English to JapaneseMedical Informatics, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato UniversityCreative Commons 3.0, Attribution (CC-BY)1.0527122Nov 24, 2014
Japanese-English Standard Dictionary of Legal TermsEnglish to Japanese (the direction has been changed.)JapanCreative Commons 3.0, Attribution No Derivatives (CC-BY-ND)1.045451Nov 24, 2014

AAMT UTX glossary (UTX 1.20, minimal version)  (open in new window)

AAMT UTX glossary (UTX 1.20, full version) (open in a new window)

AAMT UTX glossary (UTX 1.11, full version) (open in a new window)

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